Sorry, Cleveland
Sorry, Cleveland, but I’m not going to make it to you on this trip. It’s not you, it’s me.
Well, it’s also you. Specifically how much of a detour you are on the way to Columbus, OH. I always knew it was going to be a bit of a stretch to fit in the extra 100+ miles to zigzag from Pittsburgh to Cleveland to Columbus, and now those miles have come to haunt me.
There are also bike route considerations. There are miles and miles of dedicated bike trails on a straight shot from Pittsburgh to Columbus that will take me through West Virginia on the aptly-named Panhandle Trail. While riding on the roads is generally fine, passing up that much dedicated bike space feels wrong.
Lots of old railroad tracks have been converted into biking/walking trails across the US.
So to the people who reached out to me about Cleveland, I’m sorry I’m not going to make it. I wish you happy gaming and hope to see you at a convention in the future!